Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases



  • The diseases of external ear canal and earlap, lacerations of eardrums, flowing middle ear diseases, hearing losses, vertigo and balance disorders. RHINOLOGY; Sinusitis, allergic flu, nasal difficulty in respiration and nasal malformations.


  • It has provided the diagnosis and treatment service in oral diseases, tonsil problems, snoring and sleep apnea (stopping of breath), the tumors of esophagus and throat, the disorders of voice and speaking with the support of the latest technological equipment.
  • Private Olimpos Hospital Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases and Head-Neck Surgery Department has serviced in three different subunits.
  • Otorhinolaryngology treatment and intervention department.
  • The diagnosis and treatment laboratory for the hearing, speaking and balance disorders
  • Otorhinolaryngology surgery room.


  • Except for the routine otorhinolaryngology examination, the inspection of ear is applied with Otomicroscope and this method of examination has enabled the multidimensional and tender evaluation of the space of the middle ear and tympanum.
  • Endovision system is Olympus, OTV-S7 (2005 model) and has the feature of automatic zooming and stop framing of the image.
  • Telescope system Olympus 1,9 mm half-flexible telescope and EFN-type P4 Flexible Rhinolaryngoscope have been used. This system used in the limited otorhinolaryngologic centers has assured that the patient has less pain and discomfort and it is the most developed method in the examination of chordae vocalis.
  • Radiofrequency (Celon. Lab ENT, Model 2005) is a method which is an alternative to the snoring surgery, its application is easy and its recovery time is short, in the treatment of the diseases leading to occlusion in the upper respiratory tract such as nasal flesh enlargement, the prolapsus of the velum and uvula. The advantages of Celon. Lab ENT as compared with other radiofrequency devices:
  • It hinders the high dose supply to the tissue by adjusting the proper dose itself.
  • Although its pot life is 15-30 sec shorter than others have, this duration is 3-6 sec in CelonLabENT radiofrequency


  • The hearing and speaking tests have been applied with audiometer (Interacoustics AD296 Model 2005) device.
  • The middle ear pressure and Acustic reflex tests have been applied with the device of Empedonsmeter (Interacoustics T 235 Model 2005).
  • Autoacustic emission (OAE) Autodynamics device:
  • OAE is a method which measures the activity of the neurons in inner ear (Neural cells) and evaluates the hearing function of the ear. The hearing of a newborn baby can be understood whether it is healthy or not, through this test that has no side-effect and damage. It is obligatory to apply this test to every newborn infant with the purpose of screening in European Union countries, and a pilot application was began to apply in Hacettepe University, Marmara University, Ege University, and Çukurova University in 2005, as well. Our hospital has taken part in this application and realized the early diagnosis of the natal hearing losses for all the newborn infants through OAE test.
  • The computerized Electronystagmography (C.ENG) (Micromedical Meta4 Model)
  • C.ENG test is the most developed and primary diagnostic method used in the analysis whether the disease is resulted from the inner ear or neurological source (cerebral source) in vertigo and balance disorders. C.ENG depends upon the basis of the conclusion of the eye movements, which are emerged with the exhorters of cold and warm water given to the ears, through the computer analysis, and the early diagnosis has been enabled for the patients who have the complaints of vertigo and imbalance with this method in the limited centers in our country.


  • In our surgery room equipped with the latest technological devices the following otorhinolaryngology operations can be applied
  • Ear; earlap plastic surgery, reparation of tympanum, fixing tube to the ear,
  • The operations of the middle ear: Mastoidectomy, Tympanoplasty, Ossiculoplasty, Stapedotomy.
  • Nose; plastic nasal operations, operations directed to the opening the air passage.
  • Endoscopic Sinusitis operations
  • Throat esophagus; adenoid, tonsillectomies
  • Snoring operations
  • Chordae vocalis operations
  • Mouth, esophagus, neck and face tumors surgery