Genel Cerrahi
General Surgery
  • The General Surgery, one of Professional fields in the current medicine, is a multidisciplinary branch in which a number of different enterprises have been done under different titles.

    The General Surgery has gathered a number of variable subjects, which it has comprehended, under subtitles as required by the modern medicine; therefore it has maintained its development by fixing its relation to other branches within the frame of systematic rules.

    The diagnoses of the system diseases expressed below can be established and the treatments can be applied in Private Olimpos Hospital General Surgery Department.

    Private Anatolia Hospital has created the working opportunity for the staff and equipment specialized in several different fields in coordination, and has put all of these facilities into the service of the patients.

    Endocrine System Surgery

    Thyroid, parathyroid, suprarenal gland surgeries have been realized. The thyroid gland surgery is one of the surgeries mostly operated because the geography of our country has contained endemic regions in terms of thyroid diseases. Nowadays thyroid gland diseases have been followed and cured by the centers in which an endocrinologist, a pathologist, radiologist, and surgeon work in coordination.

    Digestive System Surgery

    Esophagus, stomach, intestine, and anus surgeries are carried out. The diseases of the digestive system have mostly been confronted as malign diseases. The cancer surgery of the digestive system has been standardized as to meet the requirements of the cancer surgery nowadays. The treatments of other benign diseases (hemorrhoids, fissure, fistula, incarnatus) of the digestive system are involved in the domain of the general surgery.

    Breast Surgery

    The diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases are realized. The breast diseases, which are one of the groups of disease mostly seen in women, can be early diagnosed through the imaging operations organized by a radiologist, gynecologist, and surgeon; and it can be reached to a suitable treatment opportunity.

    Liver-Pancreas-Bile Ducts Surgery

    The treatments of the diseases which require surgery (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts) are realized by working in coordination and cooperation with the radiology and gastroenterology departments.

    Laparoscopic Surgery

    Gallbladder, hernia, and emergence surgeries (ulcer surgery, appendicitis, diagnostic interventions) are carried out. The interest in the surgeries done through the laparoscopic or with their other names bloodless-closed methods has increased day by day as they are comfortable and secure. Therefore, most of the surgical operations have been tried to do with this method and be developed.

    Trauma Surgery

    It has been worked directed to malice and post-accidental traumatizations. The fact that the life threatening injuries have increased day by day nowadays, has intensified the importance of the special attention and skill of the hospitals and the staff providing service in this domain. Since this disease group needs accurate and complete interventions in the right time, the patients should be accepted by fully equipped centers and be directed to these centers.
