Personal Data Privacy Policy

Personal Data Privacy Policy

Personal Data Privacy Policy
M.T.M. Private Health and Education Services. Import Export Tourism Travel Construction Tic. As AŞ (“Olympos Hospital”), we respect and attach importance to privacy. Within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law No. 6698”), with this clarification notice, we inform you about the use of your personal data by Olympos Hospital as the data controller and your rights on them:
1. Purposes and Conditions of Processing of Personal Data
 Your personal data included in Law No. 6698:
"being clearly foreseen by law", "being mandatory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is unable to express his/her consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not given legal validity", "being directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract", Olympos Hospital "being mandatory for the relevant person to fulfill its legal obligations", "being made public by the relevant person himself", "being mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right", "data processing for the legitimate interest of the parties, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person" provided that it is mandatory and your health data is processed for the following purposes "as an institution authorized by the Ministry of Health, for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing":
* Carrying out emergency processes,
* Execution of information security processes,
* Conducting employee candidate and intern selection and placement processes,
* Carrying out the application processes of employee candidates,
* Fulfilling the obligations arising from the employment contract and relevant legislation for employees and interns,
* Carrying out the fringe benefits and benefits process for employees and interns,
* Conducting audit and ethics activities,
* Carrying out Olympos Hospital activities in accordance with the legislation,
* Carrying out financial and accounting affairs in the provision of private health services based on the Social Security Institution Law No. 5502 and the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, taking into account the situations that will be financed by the Social Security Institution,
* Ensuring physical space security, including troubleshooting and similar processes,
* Carrying out assignment processes,
* Following up and carrying out legal affairs, including disputes and events in which Olympos Hospital is not a direct party, such as investigation of legal cases,
* Carrying out communication activities,
* Conducting business activities safely,
* Carrying out occupational health and safety activities,
* Carrying out goods and service purchasing processes,
* Carrying out the production and operation processes of health services,
* Carrying out information activities about health problems and solution methods,
* Carrying out storage and archive activities,
* Execution of contract processes,
* Ensuring the security of movable property and resources recorded in Olympos Hospital inventories and the movable property of individuals who actually visit Olympos Hospital in whatever capacity,
* Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations, especially the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and its relevant units, which are responsible and authorized to license private health institutions and organizations to provide health services as a public service.
2. Persons to whom the processed personal data will be transferred and the purposes of transfer:
* Your personal data is transferred to the following persons in accordance with Article 8 of Law No. 6698:
* As a private health institution licensed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in line with the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359 and its secondary legislation, to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and its relevant units as the authorized institution in order to ensure compliance with the legislation and, if necessary, to prove this compliance,
* To the Turkish Red Crescent Association, which is a regional blood center and blood donation center for the purpose of supplying blood, blood components or products in emergency situations within the scope of the Blood and Blood Products Law No. 5624 and its secondary legislation,
* Contracted laboratory as a private law legal entity from which support is received for detailed blood tests,
* To the General Directorate of Civil Aviation in order to fulfill the requirements in line with international and national legislation in terms of activities carried out as a Civil Aviation Medical Center authorized by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation,
* To the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services of the Republic of Turkey for the purpose of carrying out financial and accounting affairs in the provision of private health services based on the Social Security Institution Law No. 5502 and the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, taking into account the situations to be financed by the Social Security Institution. To the affiliated Social Security Institution and its relevant units,
* To the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services of the Republic of Turkey, the Social Security Institution and relevant units affiliated to this Ministry, in order to fulfill the obligations arising from the employment contract and legislation for employees,
* To banks as private law legal entities in the process of receiving or making payments,
* In accordance with the Identity Notification Law No. 1774 and its secondary legislation, and to the relevant units affiliated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey for the purpose of following up legal affairs in judicial cases,
* To the courts in meeting court requests received through official correspondence,
* To the software company as a private legal entity that receives support in the production and operation processes of health services,
* To insurance companies as private law legal entities for the purpose of carrying out financial and accounting affairs and collecting health service fees,
* To cargo companies as private law legal entities in the process of sending or receiving information, documents and documents,
* To patients' relatives and pharmacies as real persons in order to provide safe health services,
* To the Workplace Physician and Occupational Health and Safety Specialist in order to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety legislation.
3. Method of Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data that we collect may be collected from the information, documents and records produced by our physicians and other healthcare personnel during the examination, diagnosis and treatment processes, especially the information you personally transmit to us in verbal and written or physical and digital environments, or by your relatives, and the electronic data of the relevant Ministries that are authorized to access us. It consists of systems and information contained in Olympos Hospital data recording systems throughout the period during which we maintain communication with you and benefit from our health services.
4. Your Rights Under Law No. 6698
Your requests as the relevant person in line with Article 11 of Law No. 6698 and secondary legislation,
* “Ogretmenevleri Mah. Camlik Cad. By personally coming to our Company at “No 48 Konyaaltı Antalya”,
* Via our registered e-mail address (KEP) as m.tm@hs01.kep.tr,
* In writing, through a notary or by registered letter, in order to identify you and not to provide information to unauthorized persons,
* You can send it by sending an e-mail to info@olimposhastanesi.com.tr using a secure electronic signature, mobile signature or (if any) your e-mail address that you have previously notified to Olympos Hospital and is in the Olympos Hospital data recording system.