
Diagnosis and treatment of substance addiction;

Alcohol and substance abuse worldwide is a progressive brain disease that is common and threatens the life of the person. It is the first among the diseases that cause death. Namely; in the situation of inability to reach early diagnosis and appropriate sources of treatment, the destructive effects of the substances lead to chronic physical and mental illnesses. In all systems, there is deterioration at various levels. For example; digestive problems, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatitis C and AIDS, cardiovascular diseases; respiratory illnesses, respiratory arrest deaths with overdose ingestion to provide an exhilarating effect felt in past are observed.

The addiction goes on for lifelong exacerbations and recovery, and the treatment is too serious to underhand. Addiction treatments are done in Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers, AMATEMs.  However, as addictions lead to mental, physical and social disability, patients suffer difficulties in achieving treatment.

We have established Antalya’s first and exclusive AMATEM in Private Olimpos Hospital to be able to respond to this need, to provide qualified and accessible health services to those that suffer from alcohol and substance addiction. We aimed to ensure that the addicted patients had access to qualified treatment without being exposed to any stigma. In our center that began to operate this year, we are implementing dependence treatments that are scientifically valid and reliable to our in and outpatients. Two addiction psychiatrists, a psychologist, a social worker and 6 nurses are in charge at our headquarters. Patient-specific treatment protocols and treatment process are maintained by an expert who is an addictive therapist certified by the European Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Association.

Naltrexon is an effective pharmacologic drug that prevents the progression of alcohol, cannabis and heroin dependence. Oral tablets, monthly injections and slow release implant forms are available. Since the use of heroin in Naltrexone treatment results in death, our laws only allow the psychiatric specialist who is addictive therapist to prescribe and administer the drug. Although the rules for the use of this drug in the treatment of substance dependence are definite; border violations and uncontrolled practices openly or confidentially are discussed.

Naltrexone subcutaneous implant applications are known as “chip therapy” among addicts. Entailing a great deal of hope, overloading of meaning lead patient and patient relatives to inappropriate ways of reaching to this practice. Informing our people in this regard is among the essential tasks of addiction psychiatrists.
